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This section to deal with the capsize of the
"Alexander L. Kielland"
accomodation platform in the North sea on
March 27th 1980,
the disaster, the uprighting, the investigation, the cover up, the sabotage
related matters subsea
Blow Out !
This first part contains pages from the book
"Sabotasjen mot Kielland"
written and published by myself on
FALK forlag 1992
The book is written in the Norwegian language.
An attempt was in vain made in the mid 1990-ties to get one of the international publishing houses in New York interested in translating.
Anyone considering a translation to be of interest is free to
contact by post or e-mail:
Box 799
7408 Trondheim

FALK International
is a non profit humanitarian organisation,
aiming for getting the truth of what
happened on the Ekofisk field in the North Sea
on March 27th 1980
to public knowledge.
The organisation started out in 1990 under the name of
Organisasjon F.A.L.K

In 1997 the organisation went international and started presenting information on the internet
Being the writor, a short presentation was made of myself on the cover:

On the cover is also printed the letter I sent to
H.M.King Olav V
on August 12th 1983 which resulted me given the honor of seeing
King Olav at the Royal Castle
on August 29th 1983.
Shortly thereafter the uprighting of the capsized rig sucessfully commenced.
(pages 143 -158)
The letter og August 12th 1983 deals with my information provided to the
"Moe-Committee" - North Sea Cost Analysis
about corruption within Statoil involving Brown & Root & Kvaerner.

A new edition was planned for in 1994 in cooperation with one of the larger
publishing houses as Aschehougs, however, this did not succeed.
The publisher of Aschehoug Mr. Wilhelm Nygaard was nearly shot dead for reasons believed to be connected to Salmon Rushdie?
In a note included in the book as of April 1994,
the matter of surveillance is raised.
This includes not only my office in Trondheim but goes back to the days I lived in my own house in Stavanger, late 1970 - early 1980,
and information obtained during my visit to
Communication Control Systems
in Beverly Hills,California Sept.1986
when finalizing the Business Outline for
OCO International Inc., USA
Blow Out production System.

The matter of surveillance was brought to the attention of the
"LUND"-commission established by the Norwegian Parliament,
however, they declined to look into the matter.
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(Sabotasjen mot Kielland)
published Feb. 1992
Pages 14 - 21, go to section: Introduction
Pages 22 - 53, go to section; Statoil Corruption
Pages 54 - 145, got to: ALK uprighting
Pages 144 - 162, go to: Thanks to King Olav V
Pages 163-204, go to: The Explossion Theory
Pages 205-222, go to: Cover up part I
Pages 223-243, go to: Cover up part II
Pages 244-276, go to: BOPROD or National Affairs (254 - 260)
Pages 277-293, go to: THE CHALLENGE
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