to be revised and pictures to be included
Ole C. Östlund.

In the meantime
the origin of this part with pictures - go to:


I have been involved in coaching most of my life, from I served as Boy Scout leader in  Trondheim 1965-66 and as Leader for the Rowing Team at KTH (Royal Technical University) in Stockholm 1968-70.
I divide Coaching in 3 categories:
Category A:
 Coaching being paid for as teaching, professional trainer, management consultant  etc.
Category B:
Coaching, voluntary not paid for as boy scouts, unpaid club and team trainer. The reward of such coaching is “fun”, the satisfaction of achievement without monetary reward as when I assisted in coaching rowers in Kristiansand, Texas and in Trondheim. This year (2010) I have had fun in coaching freshmen sailors from Trondheim University onboard “Snarken”.
Category C:
Coaching caused by critical situations where the situation itself calls for advice and effort to be put forward, as I did during summer 1983 in order to secure the successful uprighting of the capsized “Alexander L. Kielland” platform, - and in April, May 2010 when advicing BP in Norway, UK and US, the US Coast Guard and US Commerce in Washington DC, about the principles of the "BOPROD” – Blow Out Production System documented in patents in USA, UK, Norway and other countries.
If helping out in saving human lives, reducing economic losses and protecting the environment you could for advice and effort given under category C, at least expect that your advice was acknowledged ……….
"Boprod" - Blow Out Production System
Inventor: Ole Östlund

positioned over the gushing well,
oil spill under control!

(oco/26.12.2010, to be continued….. )
Coaching classes at NKA in
Project Management & Quality Assurance


International class, Oslo


Sports Atlethic Training Senter
Rowing instructor & Personel Trainer
Demo Trondheim sentrum

S.A.T.S in cooperation with T.S.K.
"Rollerblades 1998"



From start in March1998  to Jan. 1994
I acted as President and Main Coach for NTNU student rowing in Trondheim.
In 2000, after only 2 years of operation, we participated with a women crew in the first National Championship for Womens Eight in Norway.

NTNUI-Rowing, NM at Aarungen, Oslo, 2000

Supported by SATS

Coaching students in restoring
the "old woodden Eight +"

The Nidelven rowing dock.
Construction skill from the boy scouts.


Anita who was part of my sailing crew on "Snarken" in
NSFU (Mid Norway Race Week) 2003
started rowing with me coaching her in double scull (2x) fall 2004.
In September 2005 we participated in FISA World Masters Regatta in Scotland.
More on "Team Scorpio" go to



In July 1987 I registrated my company in Texas,
OCO International Inc., USA

The Business Outline was made in 1986 with assistance of
Fredsti Group International  in California.

Erik Tiller from Trondheim studied Ecconomics and Business Development
at Lutheran College outside Los Angelos.
In spring 1986 he applied for summer job att my office in Trondheim, and assisted in making the
Business Outline for OCO International in USA. The Outline was finalized in Sept/Oct. 1986
in cooperation with his "boss" Sean Paul Fredsti. Fredsti refered to previousconsultant work for the airliner SAS in Oslo.
(During my stay in L.A. I consulted Caltech on the explossion in bracing D4, ref "ALK-TRUTH".)

During our marketing research in New York, Oct. 1986,
Sean Paul Fredsti (left) and myself (rigth) ran into my
relative Christian Östereng from Trondheim.

The Business Outline for establishing the Company in USA
was based upon my "Boprod" - Blow Out production invention.


In 1985 I was in Tokio with
Dr. H. Kissinger
who for some time was engaged by my company in Trondheim as liaisson officer.
The respons from Japanese companies was overwhelming in regard to  prototype construction in Japan. However,
the effort stranded on my choice to do engineering work in Trodheim, Norway.

Returning to Trondheim june1985, I once more tried to get Norwegian Oil Industry interested.
However, this stranded, again mainly due to Statoil, as in 1982.

In 1983 I had been invited to participate in taking over
Aker Groups mechanical workshop in Ilsvika, Trondheim.
I had experience with the workshop from my time as Project Manager for Aker on
Condeep "Brent Bravo"
when they prefabricated and mounted steel outfitting in the platform utility shaft.
Oil activity was moving north and the
Oseberg A Condeep was up for bid proposals.

Ila Stålindustri AS, former Aker Verdal avd. Ila.

In 1984 I served as Chairman of the Board and CEO.
The company made profit from day one by keeping management low and focusing on productivity.
Unfortunately the company was not successful in bidding for the mechanical outfitting of the Condeep Oseberg A platform.
Plans for Offshore suply services was laid down with future investments in quay facilities for serving the coming activity on Haltenbanken outside Trondheim.
In 1988 Norske Shell's plans for the development of the "Draugen" field passed Parliament.
My attempt to bid for the construction of  the Draugen platform by local industry in cooperatin with Dutch interests stranded on lack of financing support.


In my capacity as  President of FALK International
I accepted an invitation from Tverrpolitisk Folkevalgte to run for Parliament in
the 1997 election.

My political manifest of 2001.

In the 2009 Parliament election I  was as independent asked to represent;
Demokratene i Østfold

Organisasjon F.A.L.K. was established in 1990 with the objective of promoting new police investigation of the "Alexander L. Kielland" disaster and improved public legal rights. In 1992 the book "Sabotage against Kielland"  was written by Ole Östlund and published by FALK forlag.
In 1997 profile was changed to FALK International and FALK went on to the Internett

8mR WC in Rochester - New York 1999

Rochester Yacht Club

Going out with Harry Voss and his family watching his son Eric
taking home the WC with 8mR "Golden Feather".
Harry Voss and "Golden Feather" won the WC in 1985.


Crewing omboard "Snarken" during the local "Cutty Sark" regatta
event on July 25th 1997;
From left: Becky, Caroline onboard "Sir Winston Churchill",
May onboard "Tormikind Estonia" and "Chris" onboard "Eda Frandsen".




On the water with
Brad Louis (1984 Olympic Gold Medal in 2x for USA)
coaching Boston women 2- for
Olympic trials 1996.

"Heart of Texas" regatta March 1996

Umpire - ARC coach Maureen Simpson from Scotland (left)


On Lake Travis with Byron.



World Masters in roing - Groningen 1994

On the road to Groningen stopped by Hans Metelman in Nakskov.
(Hans had retired from NSR with his wife Inger, back in Denmark)

"Winner of the EU plebiscite in Norway 1994."
I became vice president of BME (non socialists against EU). 
The Norwegian people voted NO! and BME was given part of the credit,
making it eligible for members of Höyre (conservatives) and FrP (progress party) to vote NO!





SON memorial placed in Dragsten, Trondelagen 1989.
For some years I served as vice president for  "Nidaros Lodge".


My two daughters Hanne (5) and Beate (8) with Inger Metelman
at the rowing club (NSR) spring 1988.
Hans Metelman from Denmark was boatsman at NSR for many years.

Dinghy to "Snarken" restored by myself with some supervision from
Hans Metelman spring 1988, ready to be transported back to Trondheim and "Snarken".

"Snarken" spring 1988.
I restored her underwater planking in 1991
when I changed  bottom coat to black.
Go to: "Snarken History part IV"


In 1985 import from Finland of H-boat.
The boat was raced by Ole Östlund in NFSU (Mid Norway Race Week) 1986 and 1987.
LYS class overall  winner both years. 


Faksimile Adresseavisen 29 juni 1983

Ole Östlund
at home in Stavanger wearing his 8 Metre Class shirt from WC 1982.
(picture by Stavanger Aftenblad)

Ole Östlund was engaged by Stolt Nielsen Seaway as Project and Operations Manager for the uprighting of the capsized "Alexander L. Kielland" accomodation platform. Stolt Nielsen wanted a Project Manager with experience and skill to make difficult decisions if required in order to achieve a successful result. With his background with design and construction including maritim operations from the Condeep projects, Ole was found to be the right man for the job.

Three weeks after contract award and project start up Ole was fired on April 22nd 1983.
DnV had been appointed Certifying Authority for the operation. Due to outstanding DnV approval,
Ole had the day before in accordance with the quality assurance requirements in contract (NS5801 = ISO9001) asked for independent design review of the uprighting procedure calculations. This in order to secure that the size of the buoyancy tanks being  constructed complied with the criteria of minimum 900 ton dammage stability. If not, the uprighting would be stopped in its most critical phase due to high risk, and with no way of return.

To the press Stolt Nielsen stated Ole had
 mobilized (started) the project in the most excellent way.

In accordance with contract schedule uprighting should take place in June.
On august 30th there was still high doubts for success? 

During the 8mR WC races at Hankö in July we all met King Olav V at the IEMA General Assembly meeting and at the reception onboard his Yacht.
Returning to Stavanger from Hankö I expressed my concerns in letter to King Olav V dated August 12th 1983.
On August 29th I was given the honor of meeting King Olav V in his office
Among matters for discussion were the uprighting of "Kielland".

Few days later decision was made to start uprighting.
On Sept. 11th the most critical phase! As documented in press release after the uprighting, the rig had to be lowered into the water with damage stabiliy reduced to 400 ton in order to succeed.
I am convinced this decision would  never had been made without the involvement of
King Olav V.

My concern that the buoyancy tanks were to small had proved to be right.
If listened to, I would have corrected the matter and secured an earlier uprigting within set risk limits and to a lower overall cost. No doubt I felt the plan was, for the uprighting to NOT SUCCEED, same as the first uprighting attempt in 1980 - thanks to King Olav V.

Time had come for inspection onboard.
I was appointed one of two technical advisors to the "Kielland-foundation"

Inspection onboard, Ole Östlund third from the left.

Those who want to learn more about the inspection, the explossion theory
and other matters related to ALK-Truth may visit the webpages for
FALK International: http://www.kielland.org/

As to "Snarken" to WC Hankö 1983 and the WC races go to;  LINKS.
8 N23 "IRENE VI"
(for more, see separate section)







8mR WC 1982
Visiting the 8mR WC in July 1982 at Gotland, Sweden, was part of my preparation for the coming year challenge at Hankö, Norway. 
Me and my wife with daughter Beate drove from Stavanger. My father who skippered "Snarken" drove with my mother Else from Trondheim. And we all met in Visby, Gotland for summer holliday.

Blow Out Control and Production System
Inventor: Ole C. Östlund
Patents granted: World wide incl. USA, UK, Norway
Priority date: Nov. 2nd 1979.
OCO Norway Ltd
OCO International Inc., USA
OCO International Norge
mail to: OCO oco@tele2.no

From model testing in Dec. 1980 documenting principle.


Newsweek May 11th 1981
"Bearing down on Blowouts."

Inventor Ole C. Östlund (oco)

The Norwegian Shelf Cost Analysis was published on April 29th 1980.
Consultants reports were due on February 15th 1980.

The report placed strong critics on the cost expenditures on the Statfjord Field.
Especially the Engineering Joint Venture enforced by Statoil, between Brown & Root and NPC (Norwegian Petroleum Consultans where Kværner played a central role) was up for critics.

Bergens Tidende (30.04.1980)
On March 27th 1980 the "Alexander L. Kielland" accomodation platform capsized on the Ekofisk field and 123 people persihed, among them 27 UK and 2 US citizens.

The book "North Sea Tragedy" published April 14th 1980 stated a fatigue crack in bracing D6 caused the disaster. The writers called for more money to be spent on stronger platforms and safety.
The writers  also warned that the next accident  would be a subsea
Blow Out as "Ixtoc 1"  in the Gulf of Mexico 1979.
An investigation Commission  was established the following days by the Labour Government in office. The Commission engaged Statoil to assit on material analysis. For reasons not stated, Statoil did not send samples from the breaking point on  bracing  D4, adjacent to bracing D6 with the fatigue crack, to Sintef (Research institute in Trondheim) for metallurgical examination?

Bracing D4 upper braking point - exploded!

Bracing D-6 with the fatigue crack.
What made the rest materiel in the fatigue crack go to failure on March 27th 1980, 18.30 hours?
Redistribution of load and seawave caused by the explosion in the adjacent bracing D4!

April 18-20, 1980 The Norwegian Athletics Foundation decides to boycot the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. Ole Östlunds last attempt to make it to the Olympics in rowing vanished.

Independent Consultant;
Norwegian Continental Shelf Cost Committee.
Group leader - "Construction" 

Sheering information on likely corruption in Statoil
with Cost Committee chairman, and as refered to in letter of
May 3rd 1989 to the ecconomical crime section of Oslo Police Department.

 1979 started  with waterleakage in the house in Stavanger. On January 29th my ex-wife  and I got married. On July 13th our first child Märtha Elise was born in Stavanger. Four days later she died due to heartfailure at the hospital in Oslo. One year later on July 15th 1980 my daughter Beate was born.

1977 - 78
Brownaker Offshore A/S - Division Manager
Business Development and Contracts
Involving negotiation of transfeer of hook-up contracts for Statfjord A
and Ekofisk platforms from Brown & Root Inc. (Eumec) to Brownaker AS (50/50 B&R and Aker)


Shell/Esso "Brent Delta" installed summer 1976.
Offshore hook-up contractor Aker Offshore Contracting Ltd., Aberdeen.
CEO and Project manager fall 1976 - Ole Östlund,
left the project on schedule, appointed Director for
Valhall Engineering Joint Venture.

Offshore completion on "Brent Bravo"

Shell/Esso "Brent Bravo"
Installation by submergence and soil penetratiion July 1975.
Ole Östlund
Responsible for design and operation of ballast system.


Commissioning of  life-boats prior to towout.

Module installation

Deck mounting

Tow of deck from Värdal to Stavanger spring 1975


Shell/Esso - "Brent Bravo"
Ballast system engine and control rooms.
Manual operated hydraulic control panel.
Ïnspection of ballast piping prefabricated in Finland.

Moving the first  Condeep, "Beryl A"  for Mobil oil from drydock to deepwatersite in May 1974.
Design and operation of "air cushion system to reduce draught" -
Project engineer Ole Östlund, the Aker Group.
Next - Condeep "Brent Bravo"  for Shell/Esso still  in drydock, to the left.

Project coordinator for Aker Group
in developing the Condeep Platform,
steel deck and mechancal installations including ballast and oil system, 
 floating stability calculations during construction and towout.

Task ended with two contracts, one platform for Shell/Esso to be installed at the Brent Field, and one contract for Mobil Oil for the "Beryl" Field. Both exports from Norway to British sector for installation summer 1975.  

National training camp, spring 1973.
Ole, Harald , national coach for Norway Ivan Vanier & Asbjörn Löken

Norwegian Champions 1972, Ole Östlund second to the right.
Of this crew 5 represented Norway in the 1972 Munich Olympics.
Ole Östlund who graduated from KTH (Royal University of Technology) in Stockholm 1970
 did not make it to the Olympics.
He won the single scull club champion event  for NSR in fall 1972. 

From website as student at NTNU in Trondheim 1997 - 2000, link:
the biografi of myself, Ole Östlund, prior to 1972.

Seargent at LFK, Kjeller, 1971

KTH (Royal Teccchnical University of Stockholm)
winner of the University 8+ rowing Championship 1969 & 1970

My first car a Ford Y 1934, aquired by my coussin Anders for 50 kr. in 1965.
I spent the winter 1965/66 repairing and commissioning her ready for my graduation May 1966.


On the ice in 2008

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