  Deepwater Horizon

Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 2:13 PM
Subject: Fw: "Boprod" - Blow Out Control
Dear Secretary of Commerce,
I would like to inform you abput my attempt to get in contact with BP plc about teh oil spill in Mexico.
Years ago I in contact with US Commerce made up my Business Outline and registrated my company OCO International Inc., USA in Texas.
The basis for my Busines Plan was my patents on the "Boprod" - Blow Out Production System.
Unfortunately for business, I had to go back to Norway for other imperative matter.
My H2 Visa expired and I have not obtained a Green Card allowing me to work in the USA.
To owercome this problem I may work as a consultant to OCO International Inc., USA through OCO International Norge.
As I have not yet heard back from BP in the USA, I would kindly ask you to help me with contact information to BP Mr. Doug Sutters, whom I understand is in charge of the operation.
Ole Östlund
OCO Internatoional Inc, USA
OCO International Norge
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 1:34 PM
Subject: "Boprod" - Blow Out Control
"BOPROD" - Blow Out Production System
Application I: Control of subsea blowouts

Section 0 -Introduction
"This application of the "Boprod" - Blow Out Production System is a system for getting uncontrolled subsea oil and gas streams under control in such a way that the oil and gas can be commercially utilised during the period of time other means of seeking control are being applied, as for instance drilling of relief well(s).
Having an uncontrolled subsea well blowing for some time will cause pollution of the sea and the surroundings demanding large amounts of money having to be spent in order to limit such effects and/or to clean up afterwards.
The main objective is to limit the risk related to oil and gas exploration activities at sea, limit the cost involved with an uncontrolled blowout at the sea floor, and recovery of a major part of the produced oil. The "IXTOC I" blowout which occurred summer 1979 in the Gulf of Mexico kept on "blowing" 20.000 bbls per day in 6 months before it was killed. The direct loss in production value was approximately 100 mill $ at that time in addition to killing and clean up charges.Even an oilprize of 15$ per bbl would make a loss in production of 50 mill. $ which by itself should justify investment in this type of equipment. In addition savings on clean up and other related cost including reduced insurance premiums.
Dear John,
I wrote the above in 1998. Now it happenes again?
Please find enclosed a picture from the initial model test, concept presentation.
If you want to learn more how this "blow out" was controlled, just come back to me.
Ole Östlund
OCO International Inc., USA
P.S. I would appreciated your confirmation of receiving this e-mail, so I know it has been brought to your attention.
MAY 11th 2010;
From: oco
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:51 PM

Newsweek, Lloyds List and a number of Norwegian press had notices about "Boprod" when presented on pressconference in Bodö in January 1981.
Not all of them to the point, but the principle of the "Boprod" concept were laid down as the most promissing concept for controling subsea blowouts.
I have recently made an approach to selected US media about "Boprod", waiting for them to come back to me.
May I ask you to forward me the e-mail address, or direct contact information to Mr Doug Sutters in BP, who I understand is in charge of BP's operations?
Kind regards

Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 3:38 PM
To: oco

Thank you, but we are not part of the response team.
BP is trying out several methods right now as you may read about.
I have never heard about Boprod, but hope you succeed with your effort.
Best Regards,
From: oco [mailto:oco@tele2.no]
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:15 AM
To: Helge Roraas
Hei Helge Roraas,
Jeg hadde i dag en hyggelig samtale med Ole T. Bjornevik på hans kontor.
Han forslo at jeg kontaktet deg direkte i Houston.
Etter hva jeg mener har vi truffet hverandre tidligere i Aker-sammenheng, eller i annen forbindelse?
Konkret er det nå 2 uker siden jeg tilbød min assistanse til BP i USA i forbindelse med oljeutblåsningen i Mexicogulfen?
Etter den forrige store utblåsningen, IXTOC I, utviklet jeg "Boprod" konseptet for nettopp kontroll og produksjon av olje fra utblåsninger.
Modellforsøk for å illustrere konseptets prinsippielle virkemåte ble gjennomført på privat basis med film og bilder.
Konseptet oppnådde prinsipp-patent i en rekke land herunder Storbritania, USA, Canada, Mexico, Norge med flere, og opphavspersonen til prinsippet kan verifieres tilbake til 2.11.1979.
I 1987 registerte jeg selskapet OCO International Inc., USA i Texas. Har nylig registret et NUF selskap i Norge; OCO International Norge
Konseptet "Boprod" kan gis ulik utforming i praksis, men selve prinsippet er jeg overbevist vil bidra til å avhjelpe dagens situasjonen, spesielt nå som vi har fått verifisert at "trakten" ikke fungerte.
Bare ta kontakt.
E-mail: oco@tele2.no
Mob: +47 45006143
Mvh Ole Östlund


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------------May 5th 2010-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Takk for e-mail.
Jeg har videresendt til USA som avtalt


Olav Fjellså
Kommunikasjonsdirektør/ Director
External Relations & Communication
BP Norge AS
Mobile:      (47) 93 48 20 60
Direct line: (47) 52 01 34 90

BP Norge AS, a company registered in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises with Enterprise No: 981 355 210 MVA, and whose registered office is at Godesetdalen 8, 4065 Stavanger


From: oco [mailto:oco@tele2.no]
Sent: 4. mai 2010 14:16
To: Fjellsaa, Olav
Subject: Re: "Boprod" - Blow Out Control

Hei Olav,
Kort fortalt på engelsk.
Kom gjerne tilbake til meg. Felles målsetning må være å gjøre det beste ut av en vanskelig situasjon for alle berørte parter.
Mvh Ole
The "Boprod" system application for control of subsea blowouts:
Years ago in 1987 I registrated a company OCO International Inc., USA  in Texas for the purpose of promoting my patented "Boprod" system on a world wide basis. The basis for my invention, patent application in Norway of Nov 2nd 1979, was the "IXTOC I" blow out in the Gulf of Mexico. Since then the blowout control part of the invention obtained patents in several countries outside Norway including U.S.
My business plan included offering service to the oil industry placing "Boprod" units on standby in critical environmental areas as Gulf of Mexico, outside California, Alaska, North Norway and so on, making it possible to get the oil spill from a blowing well or leakage from subsea installations under control while other means for repair, actions, were taken including drilling of relief wells.
The business idea as such was to charge a standby rate from the operators signed up for this additional "insurance" in the actual geopgraphical area, and then charge a 50% interest in the value of the  recovered oil after covering operational expenses when put into operation.
As such I was looking for partner /investor to join in on the ownership and running of the company.
I do not see any reason to change this business philosophy, as the need for such a system on standby is again documented.
However, BP's present situation requires immediate action and any means to collect as much as possible of the streaming oil would be a profit situation for all parties involved.
My first thought was to offer my knowledge and competence to BP on a consultancy basis. As I did not get the early respons looking for from BP, I have placed some inquiries to others in the Gulf area for cooperation/partnership.  Hopefully I will have some response later on today, and may inform BP accordingly.
Ole Östlund
Owner and CEO
OCO International Inc., USA

Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 12:32 PM
To: oco
Subject: RE: "Boprod" - Blow Out Control

Takk for e-mail
Det hadde vært fint om du kunne skrive en kort forklaring på engelsk hva du har å tilby med event vedlegg slik at jeg kan videresende til våre BP fagpersonell i USA


Olav Fjellså
Kommunikasjonsdirektør/ Director
External Relations & Communication
BP Norge AS
Mobile:      (47) 93 48 20 60
Direct line: (47) 52 01 34 90

BP Norge AS, a company registered in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises with Enterprise No: 981 355 210 MVA, and whose registered office is at Godesetdalen 8, 4065 Stavanger

MAY 4th & 5th 2010;
From: oco
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 9:27 AM
Subject: "Boprod" - Blow Out Control

Hei igjen Olav,
Jeg hørte ikke noe fra Halliburton i går.
Avventer de signalene du får tilbake fra BP i USA.
Ellers var jeg var redd for at vi skulle få en Blow Out på norsk sokkel før valget i fjor 2009, men i stedet fikk Norge "Full City" - "menneskelige feilvurderinger" det også.
Shells Resident Engineer Mr. Pete Groendijk som ledet byggingen av Condeep "Brent B" i Stavanger 1973-75  uttrykte under et møte engang: "This is either incompetence or sabotage". De ordene brente seg fast i mitt hode, og jeg har stor respekt for den livserfaring han måtte ha hatt med seg fra sine engasjementer for Shell rundt om i verden. Ikke å undre at han som pensjonert Shell medarbeider (55 år) ble tilkalt for Brent B prosjektet som dengang var pioneervirksomhet.
Ad det som skjedde på norsk sokkel for 30 år siden velger jeg å vise til: Letter dated January 28th, 1991 from Legal Attache R. John Theriault, Jr. at the USA Embassy in London.
Når det gjelder hendelsen i Mexicogulfen skulle det vel ikke være tvil om at det ligger under FBI's jurisdiksjon.
Hva med BP plc  - er det fremdeles å regne som et Britisk selskap og hva med Scotland Yard i den forbindelse?
Mvh Ole Östlund

Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 6:37 PM
Subject: Copy of inquiry of 04.05.2010 to Halliburton in Houston

Hei Olav;
Jeg har i dag sendt følgende forespørsel til:
From Ole Östlund
OCO International Inc., USA
To: Halliburton "Products and Services"
Contact, quote;
The "Boprod" system application for control of blowing oil wells subsea could help out on "Deepwater Horizon" accident in Gulf of Mexico.
I am looking for partner
B.r. Ole"
Contact Info - Confirmation

Your request has been sent to the appropriate person in our organization and they will respond to your request shortly.


This for your and BP's information.
If this works out with BP's thinking, and the appropriate person within Halliburton gets back to me, I am ready to act on short notice.
My cellar phone is +47 45006143.
You may by now have found out that I at one time was Division Manager of Business and Contracts
for Brownaker Offshore AS.
Before that I served as Technical Division Manager of Aker Offshore Contracting AS  responsible for Engineering & Quality Control also  AOCLtd.  Aberdeen during Brent Delta offshore hook up.
I started out my career within Aker developing the Condeep Platform ballast and oil storage system - ending up as Project Manager for Akers part in the construction of "Brent Bravo" put in place 1975.

As representative for Aker within Brownaker, I had some strong discussions with officials within Brown & Root at that time, and later during my occupancy as consultant for the Norwegian Cost Analysis Committee.
When registrating my Company OCO International Inc., USA in Texas 1987 I declined an offer to cooperate with Brown & Root.
My doing so was based on lack of knowledge about Brown & Root and Halliburtons involvment in the "Sabotage of Alexander L. Kielland" in March 1980.  I have later come to the conclussion that the company Brown & Root was not involved in the sabotage itself but in the cover up. All companies are subject to infiltration by unthrustworthy individuals and criminals.
Many companies and people were caught in the cover up of "Kielland" on the wrong basis. As such with my present knowledge, I can defend to myself placing an inquiry to Halliburton for cooperation. Then it whitstands to learn if the officials of Halliburton in an emergy situation, as yourselves, can overcome previous disagreements?
If I do not hear back from Halliburton in a reasonable time, I am prepared to work with BP in the best interest of both parties.
Ole Östlund
CEO, OCO Internatiuonal Iinc, USA
I do not intend to use past president George W. Bush as reference as I have not asked him, but we met in 1995 when he served as Governor of Texas.
I trust he and everyone else along the South Coast of USA wants this environmental and ecconomical threat to be overcome as soon as possible.

MAY 4th 2010

Response from Halliburton in reply to:
The "Boprod" system application for control of blowing oil wells subsea could help out on "Deepwater Horizon" accident in Gulf of Mexico.
I am looking for partner
B.r. Ole
Contact Info - Confirmation

Your request has been sent to the appropriate person in our organization and they will respond to your request shortly.

Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: www.halliburton.com > Products & Services > Halliburton Products and Services > Contact Us : New technology initiative


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The following automatic respons received:

From: oco [mailto:oco@tele2.no]
Sent: 29. april 2010 11:12
To: Fjellsaa, Olav
Subject: Fw: "Boprod" - Blow Out Control
Viser til telefonsamtale og videresender min henvendelse til
BP John Barnes av 25. april. Jeg fant et tlf nr.på nettsiden som jeg ringte, antar det var til informasjonsavdelingen?
I og med at jeg ikke fikk bekreftelse på at mailen er mottatt, og ikke har hørt noe tilbake fra andre i BP, ringte jeg på nytt, men kom ikke frem.
Derfor denne henvendelse til BP Norge.
I og med vi her står overfor en konkret situasjon er det tiltak, ad hock løsninger, som kan "spesialsys" rettet mot dette tilfelle.
En beredskapsløsning ville legge noen andre føringer for tekniske utforming av et stanby konsept, men jeg ser liten hensikt i det i denne forbindelse.
Her gjelder det å finne en praktisk løsning for å begrense utslippet raskest mulig mens avlastningsbrønn bores.
Jeg tilbyr å bistå BP på konsulentbasis om det er ønskelig.
Opplyser om at jeg for år tilbake registrerte et selskap
OCO International Inc.,USA i Texas med bl.a. dette i tankene.
Vennlig hilsen
Ole Östlund
OCO International Inc., USA

From: oco
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 1:34 PM
Subject: "Boprod" - Blow Out Control


"BOPROD" - Blow Out Production System

Application I: Control of subsea blowouts



Section 0 -Introduction
"This application of the "Boprod" - Blow Out Production System is a system for getting uncontrolled subsea oil and gas streams under control in such a way that the oil and gas can be commercially utilised during the period of time other means of seeking control are being applied, as for instance drilling of relief well(s).

Having an uncontrolled subsea well blowing for some time will cause pollution of the sea and the surroundings demanding large amounts of money having to be spent in order to limit such effects and/or to clean up afterwards.

The main objective is to limit the risk related to oil and gas exploration activities at sea, limit the cost involved with an uncontrolled blowout at the sea floor, and recovery of a major part of the produced oil. The "IXTOC I" blowout which occurred summer 1979 in the Gulf of Mexico kept on "blowing" 20.000 bbls per day in 6 months before it was killed. The direct loss in production value was approximately 100 mill $ at that time in addition to killing and clean up charges.Even an oilprize of 15$ per bbl would make a loss in production of 50 mill. $ which by itself should justify investment in this type of equipment. In addition savings on clean up and other related cost including reduced insurance premiums.



Dear John,

I wrote the above in 1998. Now it happenes again?

Please find enclosed a picture from the initial model test, concept presentation.

If you want to learn more how this "blow out" was controlled, just come back to me.


Ole Östlund
OCO International Inc., USA

P.S. I would appreciated your confirmation of receiving this e-mail, so I know it has been brought to your attention.







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April 26th 2010:
Communication with US Coast Guard:
From: "Tomkins, John MLES4" <John.R.Tomkins@uscg.mil>
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 5:26 PM
To: <oco@tele2.no>
Subject: RE:  "Boprod" - Blow Out Control

> Ole,
> Sorry, I am out of the area and not directly involved with the response, with no access to that information.
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: oco@tele2.no [mailto:oco@tele2.no]
> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 12:13 PM
> To: Tomkins, John MLES4
> Subject: "Boprod" - Blow Out Control
> Hi John,
> Thanks, but I was through that round last year, and then for some unknown reason my communication with US Coast Guard stopped on a higher level?
> If not we might have had the plans ready to go at this time.
> Nevermind  in a critical situation there are possibilities for shortcuts.
> I am trying to get in touch with BP whom I understand is the operator of the leaking well.
> Do you have any mail address to BP operational center for the crises?
> Sincerely
> Ole
> OCO International Inc., USA
> From: oco <mailto:oco@tele2.no>
> Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 1:34 PM
> To: BP John Barnes <mailto:john.barnes2@bp.com>
> Subject: "Boprod" - Blow Out Control
> "BOPROD" - Blow Out Production System
> Application I: Control of subsea blowouts
> ________________________________
> Section 0 -Introduction
> "This application of the "Boprod" - Blow Out Production System is a system for getting uncontrolled subsea oil and gas streams under control in such a way that the oil and gas can be commercially utilised during the period of time other means of seeking control are being applied, as for instance drilling of relief well(s).
> Having an uncontrolled subsea well blowing for some time will cause pollution of the sea and the surroundings demanding large amounts of money having to be spent in order to limit such effects and/or to clean up afterwards.
> The main objective is to limit the risk related to oil and gas exploration activities at sea, limit the cost involved with an uncontrolled blowout at the sea floor, and recovery of a major part of the produced oil. The "IXTOC I" blowout which occurred summer 1979 in the Gulf of Mexico kept on "blowing" 20.000 bbls per day in 6 months before it was killed. The direct loss in production value was approximately 100 mill $ at that time in addition to killing and clean up charges.Even an oilprize of 15$ per bbl would make a loss in production of 50 mill. $ which by itself should justify investment in this type of equipment. In addition savings on clean up and other related cost including reduced insurance premiums.
> (oco/19.05.98)
> ----------------------------------
> Dear John,
> I wrote the above in 1998. Now it happenes again?
> Please find enclosed a picture from the initial model test, concept presentation.
> If you want to learn more how this "blow out" was controlled, just come back to me.
> Sincerely
> Ole Östlund
> OCO International Inc., USA
> P.S. I would appreciated your confirmation of receiving this e-mail, so I know it has been brought to your attention.
> --------------------------------------------------
> Previous messages:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> From: "Tomkins, John MLES4" <John.R.Tomkins@uscg.mil>
> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 5:54 PM
> To: <oco@tele2.no>
> Subject: Web Mail: Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico
>> MR. Ole Östlund,
>> Thank you for your interest in helping respond to the efforts in the Gulf.
>> The U.S. Coast Guard has an entire division that deals with new
>> technology and products called the Acquisition Directorate.  On their
>> website you will find valuable information on how to do business with
>> the U.S. Coast Guard.  One section that may be especially helpful is
>> called Unsolicited Proposals.  There you will find information and
>> links that help companies who have not done business with the USCG or the U.S. government before.
>> I would like to refer you to the following website:
>> http://www.uscg.mil/ACQUISITION/business/business.asp
>> Thank you for your inquiry.
>> J.R. Tomkins, CWO4 USCGR
>> CG-533, CGHQ-2100
>> 2100 2ND Street SW, Stop7363
>> Washington, DC 20593
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: oco@tele2.no [mailto:oco@tele2.no]
>> Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 11:31 AM
>> To: HQS-PF-fldr-CG-533
>> Subject: Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico
>> Category: Environmental Protection
>> Subject: Oil Spill Gulf of Mexico
>> Message:
>> Whom to contact within US Coast Guard in relation to the ongoing
>> subsea oil spill in Gulf of mexico? This in regard to our technology:
>> Application I: Control of subsea blowouts
>> "This application of the "Boprod" - Blow Out Production System is a
>> system for getting uncontrolled subsea oil and gas streams under
>> control in such a way that the oil and gas can be commercially
>> utilised during the period of time other means of seeking control are
>> being applied, as for instance drilling of relief well(s).
>> Sincerely
>> Ole Östlund
>> CEO, OCO International Inc., USA
>> Trondheim office
>> Norway.
>> Pleas reply bu e-mail to <oco@tele2.no>
>> No virus found in this incoming message.
>> Checked by AVG - www.avg.com <http://www.avg.com/>
>> Version: 9.0.814 / Virus Database: 271.1.1/2836 - Release Date:
>> 04/26/10 08:31:00

----------------------------------------------------------------------- 000 -------------------------------------------------------------- 

Bjørge Stensbøl was in many years head of Norways Olympic Training Team with good connections to top playors within Norwegian and International Olympic Committee, among them Gerhard Heiberg. 
Go to section: "PRIOR TO Deepwater Horizon."

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