

Blow Out PRODuction

This part to deal with my invention "BOPROD", first patent aplication filed in Norway on November 2nd 1979.
Patents granted in:
USA, UK, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and more +++

From testing the concept fall 1980:

From press coverage in Bodö, Norway on Jan. 28th 1981:


As written on my "HOME" page Friday Jan 28.01.2011
OCO International Inc., USA was registered in Texas in 1987 dedicated to promote the "Boprod" technology on a world wide basis.

What happened in fall 1987 - why did I return to Norway?
go to;

At the time of returning
OCO International Inc., USA was ready to move on.
Export financing was in hand from the US Export/Import Banc,
and member of the US Energy Committee looked favorable on the technology
go to;

Back in  Norway my Norwegian Banc shut down the credit to my Norwegian consulting company O.C.Ostlund AS,
forcing me to call for bankruptcy proceedings as I was in lack of cash.
At the time I had transfered the proprietary rights for "Boprod" out of O.C.Ostlund AS.
The Managing Director of DnC at the time was
Leif Terje Loddestol,
who in the early days had assisted Jens Evensen
in enforcing Labours Oil politics, Statoils role, and tax regime. 


On April 25th 2010, I on behalf of OCO International Inc., USA sent the following mesage to BP in regard to
The Gulf of Mexico and
"Deepwater Horizon"

From: oco
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2010 1:34 PM
Subject: "Boprod" - Blow Out Control


"BOPROD" - Blow Out Production System

Application I: Control of subsea blowouts



Section 0 -Introduction
"This application of the "Boprod" - Blow Out Production System is a system for getting uncontrolled subsea oil and gas streams under control in such a way that the oil and gas can be commercially utilised during the period of time other means of seeking control are being applied, as for instance drilling of relief well(s).

Having an uncontrolled subsea well blowing for some time will cause pollution of the sea and the surroundings demanding large amounts of money having to be spent in order to limit such effects and/or to clean up afterwards.

The main objective is to limit the risk related to oil and gas exploration activities at sea, limit the cost involved with an uncontrolled blowout at the sea floor, and recovery of a major part of the produced oil. The "IXTOC I" blowout which occurred summer 1979 in the Gulf of Mexico kept on "blowing" 20.000 bbls per day in 6 months before it was killed. The direct loss in production value was approximately 100 mill $ at that time in addition to killing and clean up charges.Even an oilprize of 15$ per bbl would make a loss in production of 50 mill. $ which by itself should justify investment in this type of equipment. In addition savings on clean up and other related cost including reduced insurance premiums.



(oco/28.01.2011) to be continued.................

From the book
"Assault on Kielland"
(Sabotasjen mot Kielland)
published 1992, pages 244 - 254

Subject to;
Blow Out PRODuction system.

From press conference in Bodö Feb. 1981.

Loaded March 27th 2011, pages 255-260 added on Nov 21st 2012

loaded March 28th 2011

pages 267 - 276 added on August 26th 2011
for other parts of the book go to section ALK-TRUTH.


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