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Constitution Day of Norway

May 6th 2013
111 years ago - on May 6th 1902 my grandfather
Ole Ostlund and his brother Peder Ostlund
arrived Ellis Island from Trondhjem with ship of travel "Oscar II".

May 4th 2013
Winter is giving in !

APRIL 21st 2013
Excellent work by the Boston Police !


The exploded D4 bracing on the offshore accomodation rig
Alexander L. Kielland.
Norwegian Police did not pay attention ?
123 People persihed including 2 US and 27 UK Citizens.
How come President Carter and Prime Minister Thatcher did not act?
In Norway the Labour Party was in Power
with Thorvald Stoltenberg as Minister of Defense.
March 7th 2013

Moving on with "Silver" in the outskirts of Trondheim
Feb. 20th 2013

In memory "Charlie Brown" Taikatalven Dreamcatcher 23.05.2009-18.02.2013.
World Junior Winner 2010.
Our loved one suddenly passed away,
the same day I returned back from my visit in Marblehead and Boston,
shocking - fair winds !
FEB 17th 2013

Ole Östlund with Chris Hood

Dinner at Boston Yachtclub, Marblehead - hosted by Chris Hood
with representatives from North Sails and Selden Masts.

Trondheim, Norway Jan. 1st 2013, 00.03 hrs
photo taken from "Sommersetra".
December 24th 2012

September 24th 2012
California Republican Elizabeth Emken
for U.S. Senate, quote;
"America can no longer hold back or hold off on energy independence. The sooner we can break the stranglehold of federal bureaucracy, the sooner we can build a “Pipeline to Prosperity” that encourages innovation and investment, protects our national interests as well as our national security, and displays the courage that has always symbolized America’s success. "
The sooner America regains its ecconomic strength the better the "western world" and Democracy will prevail !
July 30th
Jan. 5th I broke my spinal column going skiing.
Odd H. Østlund
(23.07.1910 - 24.03.2008)
July 19th 2012

17th july
Märtha Elise in memory.

July 15th
Victory in Europe Day.
May 7th

On this day in 2007 "Silver" was born and
my granduncle Peder Östlund was born 140 years ago in 1872

April 19th 2012

My daughter Hanne's birthday April 19th 1983.
A challenging catch for a "Knight on a white horse"
April 9th 2012
I was raised being told:
March 27th 2012
Quote, King Harald V;
“Vi må ikke ta det for gitt å leve i et fritt, demokratisk land. Våre mange daglige verdivalg som enkeltmennesker peker ut retningen fremover. Vi må også huske at titusener av norske kvinner og menn har valgt å ofre egen trygghet for å sikre hva vi er og hva vi har“.
Jan. 12th 2012
June 7th. 2011
"Den norske modellen"
- statskapitalisme
- kameraderi
The Norwegian System
- State Capitalism
- Comrad
- Corruption
(3) June 3rd. 2011
Started under Minister of Justice
Andreas Cappelen
and Chairman of the investigation Commission
Thor Nesheim
The Investigation Commissions negligence calls for Parliament investigation of the Investigation and the Commission.
How come the
Parliament Justice Committee
does not act?
(2) June 3rd 2011
Gro Harlem Brundtland
- District Attorney in Stavanger 1976 - 1980.
- Responsible for drug investigations in the North Sea.
- Member of Labour Party.
- Recruited to Department of Justice by
Andreas Cappelen
shortly before the capsize of "Kielland" on March 27 1980.
May 29th. 2010
May 27th. 2011
I did not accept a role as
for the Scot - Bill Forsythe
They had to fire me !
But that was to late - thanks to King Olav V.
May 26th. 2011
The Scots took active part in the cover up!
Alan Whittaker and Structural Dynamics wanted a Scapegoat
May 26th. 2011 09.20hrs
"Verano II" - "Snarken"
to this years 8mR WC in Flensburg?
Credibility beeing reestablished.
Identity of "Snarken" = "Verano II" = Anker & Jensen yard no 223 designed 27.09.1918 by Johan Anker, laid down as S-Eight in spring 1919, modified and comissioned as international R-Eight in spring 1920, is documented.
Shame on Cappelen publishing house
and the authors of the book
"Johan Anker - linjenes mester"

Go To:
May 7th. 2011
Happy birthday!
"Silver" 4 years

On this day in 1872 my granduncle
Peder Östlund
was born in
In 1895 he worked as taylor in Illinois and
competed against the American
skate Champion John Johnson.
They won each race.

Peder Östlund 1872 - 1939
May 2nd 2011
Exit Bin Ladin
Gaddafi exists
April 26th 2011
To day my mother is
97 years!

My mother Else lives in my parents home in Trondheim

At the shopping mall in Oct. last year
April 24th 2011
Easter Day
"Truth set free !"
April 15th
is an internasjonal terrorist
and should be brought to court in
den Haag
APRIL 8th 2011
Annual meeting in Washington DC
April 5th 2011

MARCH 27th 2011
31 year since the
"Assault on Kielland"
when 123 people persihed,
on the Ekofisk field in the North Sea
is the only way the sacrifice of these people
can come to rest.
When truth comes forward a
should be raised at the
"Kielland" memorial
outside Stavanger.
March 21st 2011
The Art of
infiltration and misinformation
is to get your opponent
to do the job
for you!
quote; Lenin.
March 18th 2011
25 years ago, on April 15th 1986
President Ronald Reagan called for
The bombing of Libya and Tripoli failed to kill
who sayings tell was warned by
Italian politician Bettino Craxi informed by
"Cosa Nostra"
infiltration in
MARCH 13th 2011
MARCH 11th 2011

Published 1981
MARCH 10th 2011
Listening to the news on what is going on in Libya and the submissiveness of international leaders, I wish Ronald Reagan was still in office.
There is no reason to wait - while waiting Gaddafi is killing more of the opposition. Now when there is an opportunity to get a more democratic leadership in Libya every democratic leader should support getting this mad dog, which for decades has terrorist the western world, out of power.
If not Reagan or Bush let us get a Oliver North in office.
MARCH 8th 2011
Go to section:
Thanks to King Olav V !
"In justice to the free world
we defend with love and life,
man is in duty bound to
fight for his right."
O.Ostlund 1985
MARCH 7th 2011
Jan. 1977;
B&R President Foster Parker found shot dead in his bed in Houston.
Sept. 1978;
Statoil Director Kaare Frank found shot dead in his flat in Stavanger.
"Cosa Nostra" involvement?
Go to:
Statoil Corruption !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FEB. 20th 2011
FEB. 17th 2011
Texas Ranger Mc Nab in Mitchener's book

FEB. 15th 2011
Treholt does not match the spy in Norway
stated was among KGB 6-10 top spies world wide.
Go to "ALK-TRUTH" Introduction
Følgende e-mail er sendt Stortingets Justiskomite:
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 17:17:34
To: <> >
From: Ole Ostlund <>
Subject: Stortingets ansvar - Anmodning om høring
Cc: file <>
Anmodning om høring:
1. Organisasjonens navn: FALK International
2. E-postdresse: <
3. Kontaktperson og tlf: Ole C. Østlund, tlf 45006143
4. Navn på deltakere: Det norske folk
5. Sak: Alexander L. Kielland katastrofen
6. Tema: Årsak og mangelfull etterforskning
7. Merknader: Ref,
Mvh Ole C. Østlund
Feb. 14th 2011
On April 30th 1980 the labour government briefed the
Parliament about "Kielland".
Minister Inger Louise Valle reported:
Shortly before 18.30 hrs a "BANG" was heard, and the
platform started to tilt.
The reason was that one of the platforms five legs broke away.
Go to: "ALK-TRUTH" Cover up part II
Feb.13th 2011
Survivor testimony from March 28th 1980,
the day after the disaster,
coincide with the explossion "bang" and the
craterwave observed as two waves -
first hitting the platform deck and then pushing away the D-leg.
Feb. 12th. 2011
The French contractor CFEM was sued for bad workmanship.
In meeting, Oct 22nd 1990 I presented
for the Explossion theory
to people from
Cabinet International Monceau
in Paris.
Go to: ALK-TRUTH, Part:The explossion theory.
Feb 11th 2011

The exploded D4 bracing
adjacent to
bracing D-6 with the fatique crack.
What will it take for the technical scientists
and professors at The Technical University, NTNU, in Trondheim
to adhere to that the 3 last "wavescreens", seen in the electromicroscope,
of steel samples from the fatigue crack in bracing D-6 on
coincides with:
First "wavescreen": Load redistribution caused by failure of the adjacent bracing D4 (exploded).
The explossion above water in D4 blows a powerful craterwave in the sea,
spreading in all directions.
Second "wavescreen": The craterwave hits the E-leg and the platform deck.
Third "wavescreen": The craterwave hits the D-leg and pushes it appart
from the platform.

Bracing D-6 with the fatigue crack.
Go to section "ALK-TRUTH"
On Feb. 6th I attended the
Reagan Conference
at Litteraturhuset in Oslo

Individual LIBERTY, economic OPPORTUNITY,
global DEMOCRACY, national PRIDE
Thursday Feb. 3rd 2011
The Statoil - BP Alliance.
Lessons in alliance integration
The alliance 1990 - 1999 was initiated at high level.
Managing Director in Statoil at the time
was Harald Norvik1988-1999.
From serving labours prime minister Oddvar Nordli and Oil and Energy Department
1979 - 1981
H. Norvik was in office during the
North Sea Cost Analysis -"Moe-Committee" 1979/80
"Kielland-disaster" March 27th 1980.
"Boprod" press conference Bodö Jan 1981.
As Manager of Finance within Aker he worked closely with Gerhard Heiberg
merging Aker and Norcem 1987
Norvik is/has served as Board Member in among others
Wednesday Feb. 2nd 2011
Bjørge Stensbøl was in many years head of Norways Olympic Training Team with good connections to top playors within Norwegian and International Olympic Committee, and industry, among them Gerhard Heiberg.
Go to section:
"PRIOR TO Deepwater Horizon."
Kommentar lagt inn på siden:
Det "tenkelige" - "utenkelige"!
OLF-direktør Gro Brækken sier, sitat; ”En oljeutblåsning er utenkelig for meg, men jeg har forståelse for at vi blir møtt med strenge krav til hvordan følgene av en ulykke skal begrenses”, sitat slutt.
En farlig naiv holdning i en politisk betent risiko næring. Ut ifra egen erfaring er det ”tenkelig” at eksplosjonen om bord i ”Deepwater Horizon” den 20.april 2010 og fjorårets oljeutblåsning i Mexico -gulfen skyldes annet enn inkompetanse?
Om så være eller ikke være, vil sjansen på at det ”utenkelige” ikke skal skje, være en (for) stor risiko å ta, om ikke alle foranstaltninger er tatt på forhånd?
Er det ikke bedre å være føre var, og snarest søke å begrense konsekvensene av det ”tenkelige”, for ikke å forsinke prosessen?
International Affairs
In the book "Cosa Nostra" by John Dickie is mentioned
Cosa Nostra put pressure on members of the British
Whittaker family?
Was this the situation for Alan Whittaker who was involved
uprighting ALK in 1980 and 1983?
Ref; FALK International;
Tuesday Feb. 1st 2011
How come it took BP so long to get the gushing oil
under control, and then only part of it?
My mail to US Secretary of Commerce is included under section:
"Deepwater Horizon"
Monday Jan. 31st 2011
Subject to coaching BP on the "Deepwater Horizon"
Blow Out
in Gulf of Mexico April 20th 2010.
Please find e-mail from BP Norway of May 5th 2011 with
reference to previous mails including my mail to Barnes, BP of April 25th.
Go to section; Deepwater Horizon.
Sunday 30.01.2011
Saturday 29.0102011
International Affairs - studies for the future:
If my understanding is correct, Cosa Nostra - the Italian/American mafia has made deals with Ghaddaffi involving hiking up gas price (and oil price).
FBI has reported how Cosa Nostra infiltrates legitime companies as f.i. Brown & Root, Statoil, Occidental and others, and takes with them their criminal methods.
I learned the lesson in 1975 when Resident Engineer for Shell/Expro during the "Brent Bravo" construction in Stavanger, Mr. Pete Groendijk, expressed on a critical matter: "This is either sabotage or incompetence !"
This years accident with "Deepwater Horizon" should be looked upon on this basis. Also other "accidents" in the North Sea as
"Piper Alpha", "Alexander L. Kielland", and "Cormorant A tilting at Stord"
(if tilted would have delayed gas production in UK waters for more than a year).
For more on this issue go to:
"International Affairs".
Friday 28.01.2011
On my mind this morning was yesterdays notice
on ABC news that Gustav Heiberg, member of the International Olympic Committee from Norway advocated for winter Olympic games in Oslo subject to the construction of an indoor speed skating arena, quote:
Heiberg: - Vinter-OL til Oslo
Oslo kan arrangere olympiske vinterleker dersom det bygges skøytehall i byen, ifølge Gerhard Heiberg, IOKs representant i Norge.
This reminds me of my meeting with Gunnar Heiberg discussing
The meeting took place in Heibergs office in Oslo back in 1980/81 in his capacity as Managing Director for Norcem (merged later with Aker).
The matter for discussion was Norcem looking into development of a total oil spill control system for offshore Norway. Norcem wanted to play a major role. Prior to the presentation of BOPROD on the press conference in Bodö on January 28th 1981 we (the Boprod project group) had invited several industrial companies in Norway to participate in establishing a company BOPROD AS & Co with offices in Bodö, for operation of one "Boprod", blow out control device in northern Norway. Thus allowing drilling to commence in northern waters.
To the project group, one major partner seemed easier to work with than six-seven smaller companies, however, during summer 1981 Norcems interest vanished due to reasons not told - and the project lost momentum.
If Norcem had kept up the effort, "Boprod" units could have been placed on standby in sensitive offshore waters around the world. Only one unit would have made a big difference when it comes to getting last years blow out in the Gulf of Mexico under control in a shorter time.
For the money earned on collecting the gushing oil and bringing it to the market , Heiberg could have built speed skating arenas in Oslo, Trondheim and Tromsö,
not including the monetary value saved on cleanup operation of an earlier control.
When the Deepwater Horizon accident occured in April 2010 and it proved that the blowout preventer in place did not shut down the well, contact was made to BP about "Boprod". As the oil continued to spew into the Gulf of Mexico as days past by without getting the gushing well under control, several approaches were made to involved parties including the American Embassy in Oslo and the Barrack Obama administration in US Department of Commerce. I had in the mid 1980-ties close contact with US Department of Commerce under President Ronald Reagan when I established my Company OCO International Inc., USA in Texas, dedicated to promote the "Boprod" technology on a world wide basis.
Thursday 27.01.2011
Good morning!
I woke up thinking about how my life changed after reading
the article about FBI report on mafia - Cosa Nostra - infiltration in legitime businesses,
Newsweek Jan. 6th 1986.
The article enlightened my mind as to what I had experienced since my early days working as an engineer within Aker on the development of the Condeep platforms for the North Sea, project manager within Aker Offshore Contracting in Stavanger and Aberdeen, and Division Manager within Brownaker Ofshore AS, before starting my own consulting company O.C.Ostlund A/S, Stavanger. My engagement for the "Moe-committee" which was established by the Norwegian Parliament in spring 1979 to analyse cost increases on the Norwegian Continental Shelf and especially the Statfjord Field Development where Statoil played a significant role on behalf of the Norwegian Government.
I remember the "Moe-committees" seminar in Brevik before Christmas 1979 when committee chairman Dr. Techn. prof. Johannes Moe challenged me, and I informed him about my knowledge on corruption within Statoil involving Brown & Root and Kvaerner.
I recall how the Cost Study was terminated early Jan. 1980 with all consultant reports to be finalized by Feb. 15th, for the Committee with its two secretaries to write the final report for printing and publishing in April 1980.
I was waiting with excitement for the report to become public knowledge. I was hoping for a public debate questioning the Norwegian Oil Policy at the time, The Norwegian Tax regime taking away incentives for cost consciousness, Statoil's role as a dominating force on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, Statoil who was given the authorithy to "approve" all contracts above 1 mill kr., regardless if they where operator or not. In Britain this role was given to an independent Government controlled entity.
The public discussion I was waiting for to come never happened !
On March 27th 1980 the accomodation platform Alexander. L.Kielland (ALK) capsized on the Ekofisk Field and 123 people perished among them 27 British and 2 US citizens.
The Cost Analysis and corruption within Norwegian Oil Industry drowned with Kielland.
What happened?
In fall 1983 after the platform was uprighted I by the act of God was asked to go onboard as one of two inspectors on behalf of the "Kielland-foundation", representing relatives and survivors.
I found what I was afraid of finding - evidence that the capsize was caused by explosives by the act of man.
The grip I felt around my hearth that the "Kielland" disaster had connection with my information to the Cost Study chairman about corruption within Statoil might prove to be true?
My recordings from inspection and years engagement in "ALK-Truth" is to be found on the webpages of FALK International and in the book "Sabotasjen mot Kielland" published in 1992.
At one time I was told by an officer serving in the Norwegian Military that there was a rumour that "Spetnaz" was behind the assault on "Kielland". The rumour said it was a Soviet submarine with frogmenn, and that the Norwegian Government declined to do anything harming Soviet relationships during the in 1980 ongoing Cold War.
I had hard to believe this story, as the evidence found onboard during inspection in fall 1983, proved the explosives to have been installed from inside the platform, by an insider walking around as usual before leaving the platform on crew change.
The only outstanding was to set the release clock at the platforms node 4 on the outside of bracing D4 adjacent to bracing D-6 with the fatigue crack.
Subject to Spetnaz this must then be Soviet recruited Norwegian individual (s)?
There were also rumours about narcotic on "Kielland". Rumours saying the narcotic was brought onboard in the catering (cans and frozen meat) supplied from the plant in Inverness, Scotland, and taken to "Kielland" by supplyboat and from "Kielland" onshore in Norway by people coming back from work.
At the time in 1983/84 I did neither put much faith into this story, as I was not aware of Cosa Nostra operations until I read the article of FBI reported mob infiltration in legitime business in Newsweek Jan, 6th 1986.
Then I realized that companies like Brown & Root, Kvaerner, Statoil and others were being infiltrated by Cosa Nostra with recruited locals serving another Boss than their company boss.
When I in October 1986 during my stay in Simi Valley, California, finalized my Business Outline for establishing my company OCO International Inc., USA , I put strong emphasize on recruitment policy and security against infiltration.
The objective of OCO International Inc, was to promote my patented "BOPROD", Blow Out Production concept, on a world wide basis from offices to be located in Clearlake outside Houston, Texas.
To get to the point of understanding in Norway about
mafia infiltration has taken to long time - why?
Who with power is holding the hands of Cosa Nostra in Norway?
More about this, my meeting with the General Prosecutor in Dec. 1986,
audience with King Olav V in March 1987 and which strengthened me in my effort for truth to come forward in the best interest of Norway,
on FALK International webpages.
The day before yesterday, I noticed an article on ABC webnews, to which I placed the comments inserted under the following quoted heading of the article and its ingress ref:
Mafiaen satser grønt
Den sicilianske mafiaen har fått øynene opp for alternativ energi. Et dansk vindmølleselskap er blant dem som uforvarende har blitt viklet inn i mafiavirksomhet.
ALK-Truth" Cosa Nostra
Endelig en artikkel som konkret viser til hvordan mafiaen innfiltrerer og trekker ut midler ut av tilsynelatende legitime virksomheter. Det sto å lese i Newsweek for 25 år siden hvordan sønner og døtre av Cosa Nostra tok ansettelse i legitime virksomheter, privat og offentlig. Først trodde FBI dette var et tegn på at mafiaen ville bli lovlydig, men mafiamedlemmene tok med seg sine metoder, bestikkelser og utpressing inn i virksomhetene. Er det noen som lengre undrer seg hvorfor der har vært/er store kostnadsoverskridelser innen energisektoren, olje og gass?
Det ble ikke bedre da Cosa Nostra og Ghaddaffi fant hverandre innen energisektoren i Libya med energiprodusenter i Nordsjøen og Mexicogulfen som konkurrenter. "Mafiametoder" er for årtier tilbake også i bruk i Norge.
Narkotikatransporten over "Kielland -plattformen" fra Scotland til Norge underbygger fakta.
Cosa Nostra !
Virkelig konkurranse er trussel mot mafiavirksomhet. Derfor trives mafiaen godt i kommunistiske og sosialistiske system med liten reell konkurranse, og hvor myndighetene bygger opp under et fåtall store aktører innen hver bransje, som også i Norge.
Wednesday 26.01.2011
Posted on ABC News
in regard to the ongoing discussion about
Oil and Gas exploration in Lofoten and Vesteraalen in North Norway
Solidaritet og risikobegrensning - BOPROD
Der er sterke krefter som søker å begrense olje og gassutvinning til havs til fordel for landbasert produksjon, og for å holde prisene oppe. På verdensbasis finnes nok olje og gass, det er bare å åpne kranene. Mankoen på egenproduksjon er hos de store forbrukerne i industrialiserte land som økonomisk blør når prisene stiger. Dette til fordel for Ghaddaffi, hans like og samarbeide med Cosa Nostra.
Her må norske politikere vise hvem Norge spiller på lag med; - den "vestlige" verden, eller korrupte statskapitalister og kriminelle narkolangere.
Fjorårets utblåsning i Mexico-gulfen viser at teknologien for utslippskontroll fra havbunnen virker, bare den er tilgjengelig hvis noe skulle skje. En "BOPROD" enhet på standby i Lofoten, Vesterålen, vil sterkt redusere konsekvensrisikoen.
Tuesday Jan. 25th 2011.
"Snarken" webpage on is still down?
I have to write someplace else.
Why not start with presenting myself - go to:
TV 2 -Tabloid discussed this evening oil and gas exploration outside
Lofoten and Vesteraalen in North Norway.
With my invention
Blow Out production System
on standby, the consequencies of an uncontrolled
blow out
will be dramatically reduced
within acceptable levels?

OCO Norway Ltd.
OCO International Inc., USA
OCO International Norge
Ole C. Östlund
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